Buy, Trade and Sell
We offer an option for everyone!*Must have valid ID to receive cash*
We have amassed over a thousand new and pre-loved LEGO® sets, some of which haven't been commercially available for years. Our sets are priced at all price points, so we are sure that if you spend a little time at Krystle's you can find something great!
If you or your child are looking to trade the LEGO® you currently have for something new and exciting, Krystle's has a trade option. Come visit us and bring your LEGO® and we will give you an idea of how much you can receive in store credit to find a new and exciting LEGO® sets or Minifigures.
If you have LEGO® sets that you want to sell, come in and visit us for a price estimate. If you have bins of loose LEGO®, we will pay $1.00 per pound.